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Center for Microtechnologies

Outstanding events of the DFG research unit

DPG Focus Session "Sensoric Micro- and Nano systems"


Prof. Dr. Thomas Geßner,
Fraunhofer-Institut für Elektronische Nanosysteme,
Technologie-Campus 3,
09126 Chemnitz.
Prof. Dr. Dietrich R.T. Zahn,
Institut für Physik,
Technische Universität Chemnitz,
09107 Chemnitz.
Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt,
IFW Dresden,
Helmholtzstraße 20,
01069 Dresden.


One major trend in semiconductor research which was identified by the international technology roadmap for semiconductors (ITRS) is called "More than Moore". This concept explores the variety of physical phenomena which can be obtained by the integration of different technologies and functionalities to basic semiconductor research. Current focus areas comprise signal and information processing as well as the interaction with the environment in a miniaturized system. Such smart systems contain digital and analog electronics, sensors and actuators, radio frequency and high voltage modules or biotechnology. The miniaturization of the components and the utilization of nanotechnology enable new or enhanced functionalities.
The topical session aims at presenting recent trendsetting micro- and nanotechnological concepts which are related to Nano electro mechanical sensor systems. Special emphasis will be given to the integration of nanostructures and novel materials as well as the spatial and functional integration of heterogeneous components in micro and nano systems.


Date: Tue, 01.04.2014
Time: 09:30 - 16:15
Location: CHE, room 89


Session 1: DS 11
Session 2: DS 16

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