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Center for Micro and Nano Technologies
Center for Micro and Nano Technologies 

The Research Center

The ZfM is one of the world's leading research centers in the field of microsystems technology and nano technologies. The aim is research and development of new technologies for the micro and nanosystems of tomorrow.

The focus of the developments is set on miniaturization, energy requirements, performance and resource efficiency of micro and nanosystems. Together with partners from industry and research, we bring the developments into application.

Research News

Towards ecofriendly manufacturing and neuroinspired interfaces for semiconductors

Towards ecofriendly manufacturing and neuroinspired interfaces for semiconductors

Joint Collaboration with IOM launched: Research on energy-efficient semiconductors for computer chips with polyoxometalates (POMs).Read more

Plastic Waste Recycling─A Chemical Recycling Perspective

Plastic Waste Recycling─A Chemical Recycling Perspective

We propose the splitting of polymer chains using low-temperature atmospheric pressure plasma as a novel technology. To date, this technology has only been used for the surface treatment of plastic. However, it shows the potential for processing unsorted, low-value plastic waste, especially PE, PP, and mixed waste, which would otherwise be sent for incineration or to landfills. Mechanical recycling is often unsuitable for these waste streams, and competitive chemical recycling methods are not yet established on an industrial scale.Read more

DeDNAed Final Webinar: “Uniting disciplines: How DeDNAed combines physics and biology for novel biosensor development”

DeDNAed Final Webinar: “Uniting disciplines: How DeDNAed combines physics and biology for novel biosensor development”

The scientists presented the current status and results of their work on an innovative biosensor platform based on DNA origami synthesis, biological recognition elements and their characterisation as well as wafer processing, surface integration and Raman-based sensor characterisation to around 50 interested listeners.Read more

There is even more. Read all the research news.