Assessment of passivation properties of 2D materials for photonic applications
In recent years, the photonic landscape has witnessed a transformative shift driven by the demand for capacity to transmit, process and manipulate digital and analog signals. Due to their proven properties, 2D-materials like graphen ... Read more
Addressed topics: Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Nano technology
Student research project Bachelor-Thesis Master-Thesis
Modeling and simulation of semiconductor processes and materials
We offer a couple of open student positions in the field of modeling and simulation of semiconductor processes and materials. In our team we cover simulation of semi processes and materials from the atom to the wafer. We use methods f ... Read more
Addressed topics: Electronics, Fluidics, Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Nano technology
Student Assistance Bachelor-Thesis Master-Thesis Diploma Thesis
1D/2D Nano Devices
In recent years, the photonic landscape has witnessed a transformative shift driven by the demand for capacity to transmit, process and manipulate digital and analog signals. Due to their proven properties, 2D-materials like graphen ... Read more
Addressed topics: Electronics, Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Nano technology, Optics
Student research project Bachelor-Thesis Master-Thesis Diploma Thesis
Innovative acoustic communication using CMUT
Are you passionate about exploring new frontiers in ultrasonic technology? We’re looking for talented students to join our team and work on exciting projects that leverage Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers (CMUTs) in inno ... Read more
Addressed topics: Electronics, MEMS, Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Packaging
Student research project Master-Thesis Diploma Thesis
Evaluierung einer HSQ Alternative für die höchstauflösende Elektronenstrahlbelichtung
Der technologische Fortschritt im Bereich der Halbleiterindustrie beruht im Wesentlichen auf der fortgesetzten Miniaturisierung von integrierten Schaltungen und Mikro-Elektro-Mechanischen-Systemen (MEMS). Eine der Schlüsseltechnologien, um ... Read more
Addressed topics: MEMS, Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Nano technology
Student research project Bachelor-Thesis Master-Thesis
AI-Enhanced Multi-Energy X-Ray Imaging
Are you passionate about cutting-edge research at the intersection of healthcare, technology, and data science? Join us as a student in the exciting field of multi-energy X-ray imaging for more accurate diagnoses, improved treatment plannin ... Read more
Addressed topics: Artificial Intelligence, Others
Student Assistance Master-Thesis
Advanced Programmability of Heterogeneous Compute Platforms
Are you passionate about cutting-edge research at the intersection of hardware design and software programming? Join us as a student and help program heterogeneous compute platforms of the future, that incorporate FPGAs, GPUs and AI acceler ... Read more
Addressed topics: Artificial Intelligence, Others
Student Assistance Master-Thesis
Computer Vision in Semiconductor Metrology
Are you passionate about developing application-driven computer vision pipelines for semiconductor metrology? Join our team as a student and contribute to the development of computer vision models for analyzing measurements of metrology dev ... Read more
Addressed topics: Artificial Intelligence, Others
Student Assistance Master-Thesis
Artificial Intelligence in Advanced Semiconductor Technology
Are you passionate about cutting-edge research at the intersection of semiconductor technology and artificial intelligence? Join us as a student in our team for artificial intelligence and data based methods at the Fraunhofer Institute of ... Read more
Addressed topics: Artificial Intelligence, Others
Student Assistance Master-Thesis
Exploring Machine Learning Applications in Real-Time Dose Verification for Proton Therapy
The particular strength of the Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems ENAS lies in the development of smart systems - so-called intelligent systems for various applications. The systems combine electronic components, micro and nan ... Read more
Addressed topics: Artificial Intelligence, Others
Student Assistance Master-Thesis
Fluorkohlenstofffreies Siliziumätzen mit Schwefelhexafluorid und Sauerstoff
Ziel der Arbeit ist, mit Plasmaätzverfahren Gruben mit vertikalen Wänden in einkristallinem Silizium zu ätzen. Im Sinne einer Verbesserung des Umwelt- und Klimaschutzes dürfen hierfür keine fluorkohlenstoffhaltigen Prozeßgase zum Eins ... Read more
Addressed topics: MEMS, Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Nano technology
Student research project
Processing and investigation of carbon nanotube based hardware security primitives
In recent years, pronounced trends like the Internet of Things or 5G has led to more and more connected and digitalized cyber-physical systems. This results in an increased demand on embedded dedicated hardware security. Hence, unclonable, ... Read more
Addressed topics: Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Nano technology
Student research project Bachelor-Thesis Master-Thesis Diploma Thesis
Untersuchung der Selektivität zwischen SiO2 und Si3N4 beim Trockenätzen in Abhängigkeit des F/C-Verhältnisses
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit sollen Trockenätzversuche an SiO2 und Si3N4 auf Waferlevel durchgeführt, Versuchsparameter hinsichtlich Selektivität variiert und die Ergebnisse ausgewertet werden. Konkret soll eine Selektivität von mindestens ... Read more
Addressed topics: MEMS, Nano technology
Student research project
Hochsensitive Nanomaterial-basierte Gassensoren
In den vergangenen Jahren ist unsere Elektronik Landschaft stark von Trends wie dem Internet der Dinge oder der Industrie 4.0 geprägt wurden. Inzwischen geht der Trend zu multifunktionalen Endgeräten, die neben Rechen- und Kommunikationsa ... Read more
Addressed topics: Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Nano technology
Student research project Bachelor-Thesis Master-Thesis
Realisierung von niederohmigen Kohlenstoffnanoröhren-Metall Kontakten für Hochfrequenzelektronik
Die CarbonNanodevice Gruppe am ZfM/ Fraunhofer ENAS erforscht und entwickelt Kohlenstoff-basierende nano-elektronische Bauelemente für Elektronik und Sensoranwendungen. Es konnte bereits gezeigt werden, dass mit einer noch nicht optimierte ... Read more
Addressed topics: Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Nano technology
Student research project Bachelor-Thesis Master-Thesis
Erkennung und Klassifizierung von Augenbewegungen bei Rindern in unterschiedlichen Stresssituationen / Detection and calssification of eye movements in cattle in different stress situations
Ähnlich wie der Mensch reagiert das Vieh (Rinder) mit auffälligen Augenbewegungen, wenn es sich gestresst fühlt. Es ist wünschenswert, dass ein Tierarzt während der Behandlung, z.B. bei der Klauenpflege durch automatische Beobachtung ... Read more
Addressed topics: Others
Eignung aluminiumbasierter Schichten als Ätzmasken für das reaktive Ionenätzen
Ziel der Arbeit ist, aluminiumbasierte Schichten zur Verwendung während des reaktiven Ionenätzens zu untersuchen. Wegen ihres geringeren Abtrags im Vergleich zu üblicherweise als Maskierung eingesetzten Stoffen wie Fotolack oder Silizium ... Read more
Addressed topics: MEMS, Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Nano technology
Student research project