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Center for Micro and Nano Technologies

Research News

Plastic Waste Recycling─A Chemical Recycling Perspective

Plastic Waste Recycling─A Chemical Recycling Perspective

We propose the splitting of polymer chains using low-temperature atmospheric pressure plasma as a novel technology. To date, this technology has only been used for the surface treatment of plastic. However, it shows the potential for processing unsorted, low-value plastic waste, especially PE, PP, and mixed waste, which would otherwise be sent for incineration or to landfills. Mechanical recycling is often unsuitable for these waste streams, and competitive chemical recycling methods are not yet established on an industrial scale. Read more

DeDNAed Final Webinar: “Uniting disciplines: How DeDNAed combines physics and biology for novel biosensor development”

DeDNAed Final Webinar: “Uniting disciplines: How DeDNAed combines physics and biology for novel biosensor development”

The scientists presented the current status and results of their work on an innovative biosensor platform based on DNA origami synthesis, biological recognition elements and their characterisation as well as wafer processing, surface integration and Raman-based sensor characterisation to around 50 interested listeners. Read more

Save the date - training school on the subject of “Physics Meets Biology for a Cleaner Planet” on March 25-27, 2025, Genova, Italy

Save the date - training school on the subject of “Physics Meets Biology for a Cleaner Planet” on March 25-27, 2025, Genova, Italy

Save the date. European funded Project GREENER is organising a training school on the subject of “Physics Meets Biology for a Cleaner Planet” and all interested young researchers are cordially invited to attend. This event will take place in Genoa on March 25-27, 2025. Read more

Highly Robust and Heat-Tolerant Carbon-Nanotube-Based Physical Unclonable Functions

Highly Robust and Heat-Tolerant Carbon-Nanotube-Based Physical Unclonable Functions

Hardware security 144-bit crossbar PUFs based on Carbon NanoTubes were fabricated with a CMOS compatible wafer-level technology and proven to be efficient hardware security primitives. Read more

Nanoionic memories and PiezoMEMS for energy-autonomous sensor systems

Nanoionic memories and PiezoMEMS for energy-autonomous sensor systems

The ZfM at Chemnitz University of Technology is developing system components for energy-autonomous vibration sensors for machine monitoring as part of the UpFuse ForMikro project. Critical machine vibrations are detected frequency-selectively by piezoelectric acceleration sensors and the measurement signal is stored on a nanoionic component. The ZfM is thus treading the path towards sensor systems without batteries and other electrical storage devices. Read more

The ZfM at the Long Night of Science

The ZfM at the Long Night of Science

Electrical engineering in chip format: a tour of the clean rooms at Chemnitz University of Technology's Center for Micro and Nanotechnologies (ZfM) was one of the many items on the programme for TUC Day and the Long Night of Science on 27.04.24. Read more

ZfM becomes the Center for Micro and Nano Technologies and sets up ten new research fields

ZfM becomes the Center for Micro and Nano Technologies and sets up ten new research fields

Now it is official, the former "Center for Microtechnologies" is from now on called the "Center for Micro and Nano Technologies". Hereby we want to highlight our increasing activites in nano technologies. Along with this we reorganize our research activities into 10 new research fields, each headed by experienced scientists. Read more

New ESF Plus Young Researchers Group investigates transferable knowledge-based process models for flexible manufacturing

New ESF Plus Young Researchers Group investigates transferable knowledge-based process models for flexible manufacturing

The aim of the interdisciplinary ESF Plus Young Researchers Group WiProFlex is to develop knowledge-based process models for flexible manufacturing processes by linking data-based methods with process-specific physics-based simulations and expert knowledge. In order to develop reliable process models even with small amounts of data, WiProFlex is developing improved data science tools and suitable data infrastructures to effectively combine and expand these models in hybrid approaches with existing process-specific knowledge. Read more

Surface chemistry models for low temperature Si epitaxy process simulation in a single-wafer reactor

Surface chemistry models for low temperature Si epitaxy process simulation in a single-wafer reactor

In a recent publication which appeared in the Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology we report on new chemistry models which allow for efficient and predictive models of SiGe epitaxy prcoesses. Read more