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Center for Micro and Nano Technologies
Project Details

BMBF: Optomechanische Detektion kleinster Bewegungsamplituden für hochpräzise mikroelektromechanische (MEMS) Inertialsensoren – OptoMEMS

Prof. Dr. Karla Hiller
Dr. Roman Forke (Fraunhofer ENAS)
Fraunhofer ENAS
01.11.2023 to 31.10.2026

In this project, the precise detection of the smallest movements in MEMS inertial sensors is to be significantly improved by detection approaches based on optical wave effects. In the case of gyroscopes in particular, solutions based on integrated photonic components are expected to receive a significant boost in development, to which the project partners intend to contribute with theoretical and technological preliminary work.The aim is to investigate an innovative optomechanical coupling of optical resonators with MEMS resonators and to investigate it with regard to the theoretical and actually achievable performance (sensitivity). The mechanical movements create a detuning of the optical resonator, and high quality factors allow a large signal amplification.

Optomechanical structures will be designed and an opto-MEMS technology with photonic components integrated in the wafer plane (e.g. waveguides, lattice couplers, ring resonators) will be developed, and the implementation will be demonstrated using laboratory samples.

This lays the foundations for novel opto-MEMS with a wide range of applications, such as navigation systems for autonomous driving, robotics or satellites and high-precision gravimetric sensors. In this way, the project makes a significant contribution to increasing the innovative power of photonics in Germany.