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Center for Micro and Nano Technologies
Project Details

Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM) des BMWK - Innovationsnetzwerk: Selektive Erwärmung für ressourcen- und energieoptimierte Fertigungsprozesse - SELECT

Christian Hofmann
Lars Fischer, TU Chemnitz, Professur Umformtechnik
Bach Resistor Ceramics GmbH, barthelHF-Technik GmbH, budatec GmbH, COBES GmbH, FHK Fügetechnik Hochleistungskeramik GmbH, Finetech GmbH & Co.KG, NB Technologies GmbH, Polytron Kunststofftechnik GmbH & Co.KG, 3D MicroPrint GmbH
01.04.2024 to 31.03.2025

SELECT is a supra-regional network for selective heating for resource- and energy-optimized manufacturing processes. The targeted temporally and spatially limited energy input of various heat treatment and bonding processes will enable new technological approaches and applications in microsystems technology, microelectronics and thin-film technology. The network will connect suppliers of materials, components, systems, and subprocesses along the entire value chain, leveraging synergies to create value for all partners. Companies and research institutes from the fields of materials, components and systems engineering as well as technology users and industrial customers of the manufactured components exchange experiences, develop collaborative concepts and strategies in order to develop sustainable technologies and products in the field of microsystems and microelectronics.