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Center for Micro and Nano Technologies
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Center for Micro and Nano Technologies 

Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM) des BMWK: Induktives Zünden reaktiver Multilagenstapel für Fügeanwendungen auf Chip- und Komponentenebene - Indu2React

Klaus Vogel
Martin Kroll, TU Chemnitz, Professur Umformtechnik
Finetech GmbH & Co.KG, LCP Laser-Cut-Processing GmbH, TU Chemnitz, Professur Umformtechnik
01.02.2024 to 31.07.2026

Heterogeneous integration plays a leading role in microtechnology at all levels. The use of advanced packaging technologies is key to semiconductor innovation and achieving system performance. Packaging optimization can increase functionality and performance while reducing costs. Key to this are new selective heating processes such as reactive bonding, which can locally limit or reduce the process temperature. In reactive bonding based on integrated reactive multilayer systems (iRMS), the energy to bond two components is generated by the iRMS itself. However, transferring the process to industrial applications is challenging due to the initiation of the self-propagating exothermic reaction (SER). By developing an inductive ignition process and transferring it to commercially available tools for volume production, a wide range of applications can be opened up.