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Center for Micro and Nano Technologies
Project Details
Center for Micro and Nano Technologies 

Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM) des BMWK: TraDruMa - Transparente Druckmesssensormatrix zur gleichzeitigen Bestimmung der Form / Geometrie und des Drucks eines Fußes beim Stehen und Gehen

Prof. Dr. Karla Hiller
Prof. Stephan Odenwald
Saralon GmbH
01.07.2023 to 31.10.2025

The goal of the planned project is to develop a pressure sensor matrix that allows for the optical capture of foot geometry from below using 2D camera technology, thanks to the transparency of the sensors and the conductors. The sensors are to be manufactured using innovative printing technology. The use cases "standing" (static) and "walking" (dynamic) should be covered. The advantage of this combination lies in the correct spatial assignment of a specific pressure value on the foot to a location on the foot. This enables significantly more accurate patient care, such as with insoles, and potential misloads can be ruled out. This is very important since certain patient groups cannot provide feedback on the fit. The concrete solution now consists of developing a novel transparent sensor and corresponding conductors, applying them to foil using printing technology, and obtaining the pressure distribution on the foot through adapted existing systems. The desired transparency of the system requires the development of corresponding printing pastes/inks.