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Center for Micro and Nano Technologies
Center for Micro and Nano Technologies 

Within this research field we explore and develop technologies for advanced MEMS sensors and actuators, targeting highest performance parameters for leading-edge devices and innovative applications.

Therefore we exploit high-precision 3-dimensional Si patterning technologies with high aspect ratio together with advanced waferlevel encapsulation and interconnect technologies for high resolution capacitive sensing, such as acceleration, inclination, vibration and rotation measurement. Hereby, special focus is put on resonators with high mechanical quality factors (> 300,000), enabling e.g. MEMS gyroscopes to achieve tactical grade or even inertial grade performance in near future.

Our piezoelectrical MEMS platform based on thin-film AlN and related electrode material systems enables motion detection without energy consumption and energy harvesting, but is suitable for highly effective MEMS/MOEMS actuators such as optical scanners as well.

The technology platform for piezoelectric micromachined ultrasonic transducer (PMUT) enables the research and development of the latest generation of miniaturized ultrasonic devices in a large frequency range from kHz to MHz as well as the design of various acoustic channels in arbitrary forms for beam steering or acoustic imaging.

Recently, we aim for combining MEMS structures with integrated photonic components based on waveguides and optical resonators for improved motion resolution down to the pm scale.

Research Topics

  • Technologies for MEMS sensors and actuators (Inertial and zero energy)
  • Ultrasonics (PMUT, CMUT): photoacoustics
  • MEMS meets MOEMS and photonics: Optomechanical sensing

Prof. Dr. Karla Hiller

Research Field Leader
+49 371 531-33276

Dr. Chris Stöckel

Research Field Leader
+49 371 531-32628

Recent Publications

Meinel,K.; Schott,C.; Mayer,F.; Gupta,D.; Mittag,S.; Hahn,S.; Weidlich,S.; Buelz,D.; Forke,R.; Hiller,K.; Heinkel,U.; Kuhn,H.: MEMS-based Fingerprinting Architecture for Trustworthy Electronics. 2023 Smart Systems Integration (SSI), Bruges (Belgium), 2023 Mar 28-30; Proceedings

Forke,R.; Hiller,K.; Hahn,S.; Shaporin,A.; Weidlich,S.; Buelz,D.; Kuechler,M.; Reuter,D.; Helke,C.; Wuensch,D.; Gottfried,K.; Kuhn,H.: The BDRIE-HS* Technology Approach for Tiny Motion Detection with Improved Sensitivity and Noise Performance. 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Inertial Sensors and Systems (INERTIAL), Avignon (France), 2022 May 8-11; Proceedings, pp 1-4 (ISBN 9781665402828)

Stoeckel,C.; Meinel,K.; Melzer,M.; Žukauskaitė,A.; Zimmermann,S.; Forke,R.; Hiller,K.; Kuhn,H.: Static High Voltage Actuation of Piezoelectric AlN and AlScN Based Scanning Micromirrors . Micromachines, 13, 4 (2022) p 625

Wecker,J.; Hiller,K.; Grossmann,T.D.; Kurth,S.; Hahn,S.; Saupe,R.; Martin,J.; Weiss,A.; Kuhn,H.: Multi-Mode Silicon Waveguides at Long Infrared Wavelengths. 2022 Smart Systems Integration (SSI), Grenoble (France), 2022 Apr 27-28; Proceedings (ISBN 978-1-6654-8849-5, 978-1-6654-8850-1)