Welcome to the pioneers of innovation in the field of nanopackaging at ZfM! In our pursuit of pushing the boundaries of sensor technology, ZfM is increasingly harnessing nanoeffects and nanostructures to address sensory challenges. Our focus lies in the development of sensor systems with footprints smaller than 1 x 1 mm², such as 6-axis accelerometers and gyroscopes, which demand active sensor structures with dimensions in the real of a few hundred nanometers.
To bring these active nanoscale structures to system level, it is imperative to offer packaging technologies operating within the same scale. The package serves as the structural framework for the sensor system, encompassing individual elements to the entire system. It integrates power supply, facilitates signal distribution, enables sensor or actuator functionality, and ensures effective temperature management. Beyond these technical functions, the package safeguards the system and its subcomponents from mechanical, optical, biological, chemical, and electromagnetic influences, all while providing access to the physical parameters being measured in the environment.
Join us in exploring the cutting edge of Nanopackaging, where we shape the future of sensor technology on the nanoscale.
Research Topics
- Development of new and advanced semiconductor packaging architectures
- Development of special processes for the deposition and structuring of new functional materials
- Integration of new (nano scaled) materials and nanofeatures into devices and systems
- In-line characterization of micro- and nanostructures
Selected Publications