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Center for Micro and Nano Technologies
Simulation of Nanotechnologies

At the nano scale, quantum effects become dominant and all material properties derive from their bulk values. Atomic structure and composition as well as its fluctuation determine the material properties at this scale.

Therefore, we use simulation techniques from the quantum world, to model nano materials and how they are fabricated using atomically precise nano-fabrication processes. By nano device models we explore the function of advanced nanostructures.

Our high performance compute cluster and competences in efficient and parallel computing allows us to deal with large atomistic models of devices, materials and interfaces, addressing the needs of upcoming nanotechnologies. Atomistic approaches are complemented by physical and chemical models for established nano-manufacturing processes like thin film deposition (ALD, CVD, PVD), etch or wet processing following classical and continuum modeling approaches. Combining atomistic and classical approaches we enable comprehensive process and material modeling from atoms to wafers.

Research Topics

  • Atomistic models of nano materials and interfaces
  • Process models for nano technologies
  • Nano device models and quantum transport simulations

Dr. Jörg Schuster

Research Field Leader
+49 371 531-33013

Recent Publications

Huber et al., Modeling a Wet Wafer Surface Processing Chain, 2023 IEEE International Interconnect Technology Conference (IITC) and IEEE Materials for Advanced Metallization Conference (MAM)(IITC/MAM)

T. Rodemund et al., Quantum transport in graphene nanoribbon networks: complexity reduction by a network decimation algorithm, 2023, New Journal of Physics

X. Hu et al., Chemical Mechanism of AlF3 Etching during AlMe3 Exposure: A Thermodynamic and DFT Study, 2022, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C